Today I received this message from my agency..
Hi Lisa,
The orphanage told us that Guo Ying received her care package and she is very, very excited, and wanted us to say thank-you to you. She knows that she will be adopted soon.
This just made my heart smile. Ying finally just received our care package we sent on 5/31. She opened the box and discovered she has a forever family, coming to get her and bring her home. She has our pictures, our letter, and some gifts we sent. I have been praying that she would receive the news with joy in her heart. I'm sure she will be very nervous, leaving the only life she's knows for 12 years. I cannot wait to finally get that call telling us we have "travel approval"!
I want to go get my sweet daughter and bring her home. When I think of her, I think of a rosebud.. just waiting to bloom.
Waiting to bloom...
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Summer Camp
We are in our 2nd week of summer deaf camp. Ben, Briella, Brinley & Bayla just love it every summer. It is 4 weeks long (4 full days a week). Tomorrow Lidia's going too, to try to help out the camp counselors maybe. Signing all day is really great practice for the hearing kids. Ben & Briella got to go to a "Ropes Course" at Camp Caraway in Asheboro last week. They had great fun and apparently it was kind of scary and challenging... although Briella did master it. For Ben, it was a breeze. Ben & Briella also went to VA to visit & tour the International Learning Center there. A young lady from our church is a deaf missionary and has been there for several weeks now getting trained for her next mission trip - a 3 yr mission to Asia. The kids found it very interesting.. here are a couple pics from the trip and one of the girls at a BBQ/swim party we went to at Eddie's house.
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