What a great time we had at Thanksgiving! Mike's parents came up from Florida, and also his sister Jennifer and her hubby Shawn - and their kids Caleb, Hannah, and Sarah... (turn your speakers on & enjoy)
Thanksgiving 2011
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Time Sure Flies !!
Wow, I've been back from China for 4.5 months already! Well, time does fly when you're having fun, and we definitely are doing that. Life is really good, and we are really blessed. I see something amazing every day - what more could I ask for?
Bellamei is a precious gem. By God's design, she has been with our family forever, but now she is physically with us. It's truly as if she's been here all along. She had no hesitation, no apprehension, no doubt. She just melted right in. She begins every day with a smile and is kind & beautiful. Her limb difference is such a non-issue - there is nothing she can't do. She does everything a 2-handed person can do, and asks for no help, ever. She goes with us every Wed night for sign language class and she just improvises her signing, without a blink. She & Briella are signed up together on a basketball team. Bellamei is smart and a great student. She has friends at school, but her best friend is Briella - they chat all day long in Chinese!
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